Mommies this is what we are waiting for the LJS Annual Bodega Sale this coming November 10 – 13, 2011. Just remember that the schedule for November 10- 12 is 9am to 8pm and for November 13 is 9am – 2pm only. They will accept credit card and the parking will be on the side street of the warehouse. Discount will depend on the item up to 60%. Products from Philips Avent, Chef Classic by Sunnex, Goody, and Aprica will be on sale. This is our chance to stock up on our supplies most especially is you have a baby. Buying those feeding bottles or if your breastfeeding the Via cup will come in handy.
So come on mommies and daddies lets take advantage of this to get a great buy for your money. When are you going? “Kita kits” for all of us.hehehe!!!