SM Prime and WWF Philippines announce partnership towards responsible reporting on climate change solutions

SM Prime Holdings, Inc., one of Southeast Asia’s leading integrated property developers and leading conservation organization World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines have entered a collaboration in adopting a more robust reporting framework to address the climate crisis.  This is a major partnership of WWF with a Philippine company towards the development of a…

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Sinag Schools program powers up school in Batangas

SM Foundation (SMFI), the corporate social responsibility arm of the SM group, together with Maxeon Solar Technologies, recently powered up the Lemery Pilot Elementary School (LPES) in Batangas through the Sinag Schools program. This social good collaboration between SMFI and Maxeon aims to provide clean and renewable energy to schools in grassroot communities by installing…

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SM Prime and AboitizPower Secure Long-Term Cleanergy Deal

SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SM Prime), one of the leading property developers in Southeast Asia, secures a long-term deal with AboitizPower for Cleanergy supply, realizing its goal of increasing its renewable energy portfolio to more than 50%. This is in support of the Department of Energy’s program of moving up the renewable energy supply component…

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SM Green Finds at SM Store – making shopping easier and greener

For the evolving eco-conscious Filipino consumer, using everyday products that are natural, cruelty-free and locally-made is a step towards greener living. SM is also making intentional green choices that benefit the environment in the long run which includes supporting local craftsmen, recycling, and reducing energy consumption. With the SM Green Finds program, the group offers…

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Holcim launches the Circular Explorer in Manila Bay to preserve marine ecosystems in the Philippines

First of its kind solar powered catamaran operated by One Earth One Ocean to clean coastal areas from plastic waste in Manila Bay Empowering local action with education and science programs in partnership with the University of Philippines Marine Science Institute Quezon City featured in Bloomberg Circular City Barometer, among top 25 cities in the…

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Hamilo Coast: Nurturing nature for 15 years and beyond

The current rate at which individuals observe sustainability practices is far from halting climate change. Whether it is reducing the use of disposable items or saving more energy, environmentally conscious activities will only yield significant results if everyone is “cast in the same mold,” so to speak. That said, high-impact global sustainable development lies within…

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The importance of Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

A person’s safety during calamities is mainly dependent on their community’s disaster preparedness. No matter how ready they are for all possible catastrophic scenarios, every bit of preparation can go down the drain if their community cannot respond effectively to such events.  It is why a community-based disaster risk reduction and management plan (CBDRRMP) is…

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Prioritize your safety during natural calamities by knowing what to do – and doing it

The Philippines has long been considered calamity-prone and vulnerable to disasters. In fact, it placed third among all the highest-risk countries worldwide, according to the World Risk Report of 2018. A big contributor is the country’s geographical location and make-up. As an archipelago, the Philippines is composed of many small islands and is surrounded by…

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