I always ask myself why do we always focus fathers day for the male gender? Just because the word happy father day means it should be only for the dad’s? How about other people who doesn’t have a dad?
Fathers Day it should also be for the mom’s. WHY?!
- Mother’s who have OFW as their husbands. They fill in the responsiblity of being the father figure to their children. Yes their husband still provides the financial support. But being and a father figure is not that easy.
- Mother’s whose partners are already gone to rest. No question about this these mom’s has to face the responsibility often unexpectedly.
- For the single mom’s out there that has no choice to be both mother and father roles in the same time. Upbringing the children with no dad is not an easy task. That usually other people criticize single parents for their situation. Those people don’t even have the slightest idea how hard the struggles a single mom have to face.
So I would like to greet all the true dad to their children and the mother’s who face the role as father’s to their children. We often never thought of thinking giving that recognition to the mother’s who plays the role of a father too.
From one single mom to another, a belated Happy Father’s Day to you :). I hope you had fun that day. Stay strong 🙂
Thank you Pepper. Yup had a great day with my kid and my parents. We went out for dinner ass always every year.