I don’t have lots of money to be able to donate financially. I wanted to help and though that I could still help in my simple way. I am giving that extra mile and will collect donations for Typhoon Yolanda and other previous disasters.
If you have stuff from clothes, shoes, medicine, food, or any kind but have the problem how you can you bring it to the donation center. Don’t have time to drop it over to the donation center or you have lots of stuff to donate but don’t have the car to bring it. I am willing to pick it up in some point or your home.
Better if you have relatives or neighbors want to donate you can gather them up so I just need to pick it up all in one day.
You can text or call me in my cellphone number 0932-325-4400 and let’s talk in when and where the pickup point will be.
I don’t need jokers or scammers with this one please. This situation should be handled seriously and our “kakababayan” need our help. I believe in karma for people who would attempt to joke around.
For more questions you can also PM me in my Fan Page Single Mom Super Mom