Venice Piazza, McKinley a Platter for 8

Do you want to eat and dine out with your friends or family that you all can enjoy within your budget? Venice Piazza at McKinley Hills, Fort Bonifacio is the place for you. They are offering “Everyday Happy Hour” and “Platter for 8”  every weekends. Platter for 8 all weekend of October 15 – November…

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CarbTrim Iced Tea Mix : Enjoy without the guilt

For those who want to get slim and don’t have the guilt of gaining those additional Carbs in your body.  Now CrabTrim Ice Tea Mix is now here distributed by Unilab. It has to flavors the apple and the lemon flavor. It contains white kidney bean extract to help eliminate unwanted carbohydrates that eventually turn into body…

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McDonald’s Delivery at 2:00am

I was craving for something starchy food like fries from McDonald’s. Got really hungry in the middle of the night so I told my eldest son to look hotline number of McDonald’s Delivery. Lucky us we have Mcdo branch near our subdivision and its open 24hours.  We ordered 3 large fries and 1 Crispy chicken for…

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