New World Makati tweeter unfollow strategy

This is one reason I don’t follow immediately who follows me in twitter. Such as this just want to gain follows in their social accounts. I hate people or companies who does such things.

I don’t need fake follows because I don’t unfollow people and companies I followed first. I’m just a mirror you follow me I follow you. You show me s_ _ t, I show you the same. I am a nice person but I see and feel that someone taking advantage of me and backstabbing me. Well you messed up with the wrong person.

newworldbI received a notification of someone unfollowed me. This is a what you call a lame strategy that’s why you have a steady following and followers?

newworld2bnewworld3b newworld4bAs you can see I followed them back in the appreciation they followed me. But unfollowing me after getting my follow is so lame. A lame strategy just to gain people to advertise your promos and whatever.  I hate people and companies like this one.

As for the other people and companies doing this scam better stop because your wasting our time and you don’t deserve our social account.

If you want to know how did I know about it. Of course online person should knnow a way how to check.

” Don’t underestimate the power of technology and social network “


About Cor

I am a single mom of all boys. I love cars, food, traveling and anything in between.